Friday, 14 December 2012

Gubahan Hantaran

Hi.. Just wanna share few pictures of hantaran that i've made for my lovely friends.
Please do contact me if you want CKB to do hantaran deco for you.. ;-)..

P/s: sorry for the low quality pictures. :-)

Bunga pahar Gold n Cream

Ni order terbaru untuk bunga telur VIP / bunga pahar. Bunga tisu saiz L. Ni mmg last minit order yang aku terima seminggu sebelum majlis berlangsung. Terima order pd jumaat malam 30 / 11 / 2012,
Beli barang pd 1 / 12 / 2012, Customer amik pagi 8 / 12 / 2012...

Rase mcm dasyat jer nk siapkan.. Tapi xpe, aku cuba jugak.
Setelah seminggu alhamdulillah dah siap.. So inilah hasilnyer.. Dari feedback yang diterima semua berpuas hati.

Jika berkenan boleh hubungi utk tempahan. Harga boleh dirunding.. ;-)

Dah siap untuk final touch
Siap untuk penghantaran...

Buku Tetamu @ Guest Book

Satu lagi product dari Cik Keyla Bazaar..

Custom made guest book
Bahan - bahan yang digunakan 
Dah Siap!!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Bunga telur dari kertas tisu

Salam hujung minggu..

Hari ni nak share macam mane nak buat bunga telur dari kertas tisu atau ape2 kertas kraft..

1. Kertas kraft (kertas tisu, soft paper etc)
2. Dawai putih lembut
3. Riben berwarna suka hati
4. Sarung organza (kalau nk guna net pon boleh)
5. Lidi buluh
6. Gam kertas untuk lilit
7. Gunting dan cutter

Antara bahan2 yang diperlukan

1. Potong kertas tisu menjadi empat bahagian. Kemudian susun kertas tadi berlapis menjadi satu.

2. Lipat kertas empat lapis tu seperti kipas dan ikat dengan dawai lembut ditengah.

3. Buka helaian kertas yang dilipat tadi satu persatu keatas menjadi seperti bunga carnation.

4. Bentukkan riben menjadi segumpal riben yg cantik dan buat beberapa gumpal.

5. Ambil sarung organza td dan ikat ujungnya dgn dawai lembut.(rujuk gambar)

6. Ambil bunga kertas yg sudah siap dibuka helaiannya dan lilitkan pd lidi dgn pita lilit tadi..

7. Ambil segumpal riben lilitkan juga dibawah bunga kertas, kemudian ambil segumpal lg intuk dililit di sebelah riben pertama tadi.

8. Kemudian lilit pita sampai ditengah lidi dan ambil lg segumpal riben dan lilit.

9. Ambil pula sarung organza tadi dan lilit dibawah riben.

10. Lilitkan pita tu sampai kehujung lidi buluh.

Dah siap bunga telur kertas yang stunning..

Harap2 dengan 10 langkah ni ade yang boleh ikot.. Klu xfaham, aku mintak maaf ehh.. Boleh tanya.. Hee.. Klu xnak pon boleh tempah je ngan aku.. Murah sikit dari order kat kedai.

Kertas tisu yang dipotong kepada empat bahagian
Riben yang dibentuk 
Kertas tisu yang dilipat seperti kipas
Dari kertas tisu menjadi sekuntum bunga carnation
Dah siap!!

Selamat Mencuba!!!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Hantaran bunga foam

Hai..Tempahan ni dari kawan satu opis untuk majlis bertunang dia.. Dia nak 9 bekas hantaran termasuk satu sirih junjung untuk diberikan kpd pihak perempuan..

Antara barang dia ialah telekung, sejadah, handbag, kasut, al-quran tafsir, make-up set dgn parfume, buah, manisan, kek, cincin ngan cek dan sirih junjung..

Masa yg aku ada kurang dari 14 hari.. Warna dia serahkan kat aku sbb brg yang dia beli ade macam2 warna..
Antara barang - barang yang akan diberikan kepada pihak perempuan sebelum digubah.

Bila aku survey2,aku rase warna yang sesuai ialah peach sbb 90% warna barang dia ialah warna gelap.. So aku pon belilah bunga2 ros warna peach, kuning n putih. Riben n bunga kecik utk penyeri pon aku beli.. Untuk sirih junjung aku akan guna bunga kekwa segar..

Tarikhnya ialah 10/11/12.. Cantikkan.. Aku janji nk siapkan ari Jumaat tp excited punya pasal hari Khamis mlm aku dah suruh dia amik.. Tp banyak gambar xsempat nk amik sbb terlalu penat sampai lupa nk amik gambar..huu..

So nilah hasilnya utk tempahan yg singkat masa dan idea.. Dari feedback, dia dan keluarga sangat berpuashati dgn hasil kerja aku..

Untuk yang berkenan nak tempah boleh la hubungi saya okay.. Harga boleh dirunding (dari yang bajet sampai la yang ekslusif).

Bekas untuk manisan
Bekas untuk buah2an
Kain telekung yg digubah menjadi sekuntum bunga ros

Handbag dan kasut
Sirih junjung
Simple and Nice

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Tempahan Door Gift & Bunga Pahar VIP

Ni entry official pertama untuk bisnes yang dah bermula secara kecil2an.  Untuk tempahan rasmi yang pertama ni aku buat untuk salah seorang kawan abah yang baru berkahwin pd 8 Ogos 2012. Door gift ni utk side belah dia pada 3 Nov 2012. Tempahan adalah sebanyak 600 goodies bag utk tetamu dewasa dan 200 utk kanak2, 100 bunga telur utk pahar / VIP.

Bermulalah perjalanan aku mencari bahan dan barang untuk menyiapkan tempahan. Sana sini berjalan..dr PJ ke KL ke Nilai keAampang ke Kota Damansara merayap cari barang dan survey.. Encek Google dah konfem no 1 dlm list keje aku... Aku cuma ade mase dlm sebulan je..

Bila dah dapat idea N konsep, aku pon mula beli barang2.. Pastu apelg..bertungkus lumus la aku nk siapkn tempahan.. Time kasih jugak utk Encik Husband and Cikreen kerana membantu..

Cantik tak bunga telur nih?
Bunga pahar / bunga telur VIP yang sangat gojes

Excited sangat nak siapkan order sampai xsempat nk amik gambar goodies bag yang dah siap..

Hanya sedikit gambar untuk tatapan.

Kalau berminat nk tempah jangan segan2 untuk contact sy ;-)

Barang2 untuk goodies bag (mengikut permintaan pelanggan)
Bunga pahar / bunga telur VIP menyerlah diatas pelamin

Friday, 14 September 2012

What you give, you get back.

I believe if we lend our hand to the needy people, someday other people will also give theirs to us.

It`s not easy to help other people even to our own flesh, families or best friends. Sometimes it need more courage and motivation to help those in need. But most of the time we can easily help them without thinking so much. I learnt a lot from experience in helping others. I`m not saying i`m a good person but sometimes i just trapped in the situation where i have to lend them my ears and hands without any objection .

As a human, we all have our sense of humanity. It just we want to show it or we keep it deep inside our heart. Even though i was trapped in the situation, i will still trying to help out as sincere possible as i can.

I`m not pointing my fingers to those who need my helps or make me help them or other people. Just to share my thoughts and experience. I just want to express my feelings. Different people have different ways of showing their expression.

I remember back in 2010, me and 4 of my girl friends planned to go Singapore for a holiday. I don`t have passport. So i need to get one. Me and 2 other friend agreed to go together before we start work. We have to be at the Immigration office as early as 7am. So on my way to the train station, i saw one blind Chinese guy is about to cross the road. So i ask him, can i help you. Then he nod his head. So i hold his sleeve and help him to cross the road until we almost reach the train station as his requested. His thanked me for that little help.

Looked at my watch and I already late. After i met my friends, we went straight to the Immigration office. my number is 87 if i`m not mistaken. After completed the form, we lined up until the first counter. The first officer said my ID card can`t be read. I have to go and check at the Registration Office. Okay. I went there. They said it`s time to change my ID card and i have to pay RM40 as penalty for late upgrade. Huh? Okay, since i need my ID card so much i paid and i run back to  IO.

Another drama here. Thee same officer that told me i need to change my ID card told me that they can`t accept temporary ID as valid documents. I`m about to scream at him! Why can`t you tell me earlier? Now they need a birth certificate. OMG! I didn`t bring it and the best part is i don`t know where it is.

So i have to go back to RO to withdraw my birth certificate.Wait again for my turn. i can withdraw my birth certificate provided that my State already uploaded it into the main system. I have to wait again before he can check. I don`t know how my face will looks like at that time. i`m so damn nervous. After few minutes he come and said they can withdraw my certificate but must wait don`t know how long.

Aarrrggghhh..I`m so stress. The officer look at me and said, i`ll try to do it as fast as i can, don`t worry please have a sit and let me entertain other people. Hee.. i`ve blocked other customer.

While waiting for that certificate, i can heard at IO they are calling out numbers. and suddenly i heard 85. OMG. I`m so nervous. Then 86. I get up and walked to the officer to ask the status. Then 87. Oh! that`s my  number. For three times they called my number. Then 88.
Suddenly the officer call me and handed my birth certificate. He smiling and said now can you go overseas.
I ran straight to my friends and i just line up behind number 88 customer. After he finished, i told everything to that officer. But he scold me first because he thought that I cut the queue. I`m just this close to delayed my vacation because of the ID card. I really don`t have much time left if i didn`t do it on that day.

Then i was thinking, is that because i help someone today and Allah help me? I want to believe that way. I`m so thankful. This situation changed my mind. I`ll try to help other people that i don`t know if i`m capable to do it. 

What you give you`ll get back.  Let's spread love to help other sincerely.


Thursday, 30 August 2012

Finding a good start.

A very good morning to me n my self...everyday when i wake up, i wonder how to make my life better. I`m not saying that my life now is not good. But i guess we want to have better life everyday than yesterday. But how?

So i created this blog. But still don't know how it's going to help. Hahaha..😁 And plus I'm not sure if I will use this for selling or sharing. 

Let's just start planning what should we do to ensure we have better life and take good action. Choose between planning to fail or fail in planning. 😉
